Physics 2093H, Assignment 1, "Ontario Science Curriculum"

Initial Submission due by class in Week 03 on January 23.
Peer Editing due by class in Week 04 on January 30.
Final Submission due by class in Week 05 on February 06.

Below is the "Ontario Science Curriculum" assignment in Physics 2093H. Please submit your work by uploading your file (named something like "assignment-ON-chrissmith") in PDF, RTF, Text, or OpenDocument format as an attachment to the appropriate myLearningSystem "electronic drop-box" before the due date and also bring a paper copy to class.

Two meetings before the Finale Submission, you will turn in an Initial Submission which will be redistributed along with an editing form to one of your classmates. After you have completed the Peer Editing of your classmate's assignment, the peer editing will be turned in the meeting before the Final Submission is due. The Final Submission, possibly incorporating any improvements suggested by the peer editing, will be turned in on the Final Submission due date.

Please put your name, section and word count on the front top right corner of your Final Submission. There is no need to include a seperate cover page. Do not include earlier drafts or editing reports with your final submission. At most, a single double sided piece of paper should be sufficient. If multiple pages are required, use a stapler for your hard copy submission - there is one outside the physics office beside the photocopier as well as one on the physics assignment drop box.

A penalty of 100% of the grade for the "Peer Editing" of your classmate's work will be applied to a late Initial Submission. A penalty of 200% of the grade for the "Peer Editing" of your classmate's work will be applied to a late "Peer Editing" submission. A penalty of 20% per day of the total will be applied to a late Final Submission.

I look forward to receiving your work.

Physics 2093H, Assignment 1

"Ontario Science Curriculum"

To do this assignment, you must have access to a copy of the current Ontario Curriculum for Science and Technology in Grades 1 to 8, 2022 . In previous years I was able to give students this document, but recently I have been unable to obtain sufficient copies for everyone in the course. (Those of you in one of Trent's Education programs may have copies already.) Copies may be in the Government Document section of the Bata Library. Also, you can find it online at:


Select "Curriculum documents" and download "The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Science and Technology, 2022".

I want you to do two things as you read this document. First, I want you to identify aspects of common content between the curriculum in Physics 2091H/2093H and what is being taught in Ontario's elementary classrooms. Second, I want to hear about your "gut reaction" when you examined the materials for the first time.

Part 1: Produce a blank data table which will have 5 columns and 9 rows, similar to the one you will find on page 69 in the Curriculum. (Leave the top left box empty; the titles across the remainder of the top row will be "Life Systems", "Matter and Energy", "Structures and Mechanisms", "Earth and Space Systems" and the titles down the left side column will be "Grade 1, Grade 2, ..., Grade 8".) Each one of the remaining boxes pertains to the topics in the Curriculum that will be covered in a particular grade. For example, the strand "Matter and Energy" for Grade 4 covers "Light and Sound". Somewhere in the curriculum, you will find two or more pages of details explaining what each cell includes.

In this part of the assignment, I want you simply to put a number in each of the boxes of your table, a number between zero and five. These are to signify your own assessment of the amount of relevance to that box's topics in our course; 0 = none, 1 = very slight, ..., and 5 = considerable. You will probably use a wide range of these possible scores in your table. (You many have to make educated guesses at what we will be covering in the later classes of this term when we study Motion and Pulleys/Levers/Gears, and what was covered in the Light and Colour material of Physics 2091H.) Information from previous semesters of Physics 2091H and 2093H might be useful. PHYS-2093H-syllabus-2025-Spring.html and PHYS-2091H-syllabus-2023-Fall.pdf might also be of use.

When your table is complete, please do one more thing. Provide me with the grand total score of your entire table in the empty box at the top left corner.

Part 2: Using less than 300 words (only the first 300 words will be graded), describe YOUR reaction as you examined the Ontario curriculum for the first time. (Provide a title which contains one significant adjective describing your reaction.)

Rubric for evaluating Part 1 (35%): Rubric for evaluating Part 2 (50%): Peer editing of your classmate's work (15%)