Physics 2093H, Assignment 2, "Poster Project"

Initial Submission due by class in Week 09 on March 13.
Peer Editing due by class in Week 10 on March 20.
Final Submission due by class in Week 11 on March 27.

Below is the "Poster Project" assignment in Physics 2093H. Please submit your work to me by uploading your file (named something like "assignment-2-chrissmith") as a photo, scanned image, or PDF, RTF, Text, or OpenDocument format as an attachment to the appropriate myLearningSystem "electronic drop-box" before the due date and also bring a paper copy to class.

Two meetings before the Finale Submission, you will turn in an Initial Submission which will be redistributed along with an editing form to one of your classmates. After you have completed the Peer Editing of your classmate's assignment, the peer editing will be turned in the meeting before the Final Submission is due. The Final Submission, possibly incorporating any improvements suggested by the peer editing, will be turned in on the Final Submission due date.

Please put your name and section on the back top right corner of your Final Submission. There is no need to include a seperate cover page. Do not include earlier drafts or editing reports with your final submission.

A penalty of 100% of the grade for the "Peer Editing" of your classmate's work will be applied to a late Initial Submission. A penalty of 200% of the grade for the "Peer Editing" of your classmate's work will be applied to a late "Peer Editing" submission. A penalty of 20% per day of the total will be applied to a late Final Submission.

I look forward to receiving your work.

Physics 2093H, Assignment 2

"Poster Project"

Poster Project: Consider a single theme from the PIPS activities that we have covered in any part of Light, Electricity, Motion or Pulleys/Levers/Gears. Use 1/2 of a sheet of Bristol Board as the background for an art poster (the size is for my convenience - think of it as being a shrunk-down version of a larger poster). The poster should be scientifically accurate, strongly visual, and directed at a non-science audience (i.e. parents attending a Science Fair). Limit the amount of text (it is boring), and develop your layout so that it can be usefully scanned quickly by people who see it beside many other art projects, and examined in detail only by someone "caught" by your artwork. Do not have any materials extending beyond the edges of your background, and make your exhibit flat. You may orient your poster in either the landscape or portrait direction.

The grading for this assignment will be based on: