Physics 2093H, Assignment 0

Final Submission due by the second class of the course.

Below is your zeroth assignment in Physics 2093H, part of the first homework assignment for the course. Please submit your work to me by uploading your file (named something like "assignment-0-chrissmith") in PDF, RTF, Text, or OpenDocument format as an attachment to the appropriate myLearningSystem "electronic drop-box" before the due date.

Please put your name, section and word count on the front top right corner of your Final Submission. There is no need to include a seperate cover page. Do not include earlier drafts or editing reports with your final submission. At most, a single double sided piece of paper should be sufficient. If multiple pages are required, use a stapler for your hard copy submission (but you are not making a hard copy submission for this assignment of course) - there is one outside the physics office beside the photocopier as well as one on the physics assignment drop box.

I look forward to receiving your work.

Physics 2093H, Assignment 0

"Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrong"

Read the Wired article "Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrong" by By Garth Sundem and comment about what one thing you could change in your own life (inside or outside of school) that would be most in line with the information from this article. Limit yourself to 100 words as anything beyond that will be ignored. The purpose of this assignment is to get you familiar with the process and requirements rather than to grade your writing skills or deep insights.

The grading for this assignment will be based on:

In case it is of any use, here is the complete assignment as listed in your lab script:

Physics 2093H, Homework I1.1

Tasks for Next Class

  1. Get your accounts working:
    1. Get your "" email account activated.
      You may have to logon to Since all official course email will go to your "" email account, if you want to use another one you will have to set your "" email to be automatically forwarded.
    2. Access your myTrent account.
      Make sure you can access myAcademicRecords and other things like that.
    3. Logon to myLearningSystem and make sure you can access the Physics 2093H course.
      Look at the "Discussions" items on myLearningSystem and see if anyone has started any interesting discussions.
    Note that your myLearningSystem and your "" email accounts have the same password.
  2. (1 point) Complete the demographics survey on myLearningSystem.
  3. (4 points) Complete "Assignment 0" on myLearningSystem. In brief: Read the Wired article "Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrong" by By Garth Sundem and comment about what one thing you could change in your own schooling that would be most in line with the information from this article. Upload a computer file to the "electronic drop-box" on myLearningSystem with this information (limit yourself to 100 words or so). See above for detailed instructions about formatting, content, electronic file format, and grading.
  4. (2 points) Send me ( a short email message (under 100 words) introducing yourself, and telling me your expectations for the course. Send this message from your "" email account, and have "Physics 2093H Intro" be in the subject line.
  5. (1 points) Post a message in the class myLearningSystem discussion forum named "Homework 01/Assignment 0". Include something interesting - maybe your favourite cookie recipe or a non-offensive science joke. Bring the cookies to the next class.
  6. (1 point) myLearningSystem has a folder called "Academic Skills Tool Kit". Watch the 1.5 minute intro video. Have you seen any of these resources in your other classes? Which one of the topics do you think would have the most benefit to your academic or social well being? Look at the sessions in " Academic Skills Learning Labs" ? are there any sessions that would fit into your schedule? Write these answers in your Journal at the start of next class.
  7. (1 point) Information about Assignment 1 is available online, and your first draft is due in a very short time. Here are simple questions to show that you have at least looked at it: How many different "strands" are there in the Ontario elementary school science curriculum? Which one do you think will have the most overlap with topics in our Physics 2091/2093 courses? Which do you think will have the least overlap? Write these answers in your Journal at the start of next class.